Mirrored discs spanned Roseland

I knew the owner of the event, and now friend, Stephen Pevner. For years I didn’t know he had any hand in the Saint-at-Large annual events, only that he one of the folks who loved to dance and was there in the afternoon’s at the end of the dance when I enjoyed it most. Emptying dance floors meant more space and more soulful music meant more reasons to move. Later I learned it was Stephen’s producing that ran the event.

At this particular Saint-at-Large event the decor included thirty mirrored plexi discs lining the balcony above the dance-floor. Large, reflective, each disc was a yard in diameter and domed.

During a pause I stood with Stephen facing the event in it’s aliveness, the whole space, all of Roseland before us, and mentioned my admiration for his disc decor choice. They were right, effective, and he committed to the idea. Thirty discs? I might have said I’d love to paint one. He knew I saw things as canvas and, to my surprise, and quite frankly glee, sent me home with five discs. A new canvas to me.

Stephen currently has a piece of mine, a gift I did for him painted with him in mind, on the wall of his Montreal office. Art and friendship.

Here are four of the Roseland five discs.



Silver Man

Mom on one arm, Dad/Son on the other. Hairy all over.

Silver Man


This is a fella sitting, cigarette in mouth, knees to chest, hands clasped in front.

Five figures sit with him.



In it’s mirror surface you are part of the ebullience of this piece. Joy is at it’s center. Horizon and sky, pyramid and cypress.

It’s a big bang sunrise. Says morning rather than doom. And if it’s a big bang sunset, then the day that preceded it had to have been a great one.

Fireworks (SOLD)

Fireworks over a summer boardwalk.

Fireworks - Evan Silberman, NYC

Sad news, Roseland was demolished in 2014. Good news, my Impresario friend saved the dance floor from being discarded and has it in storage in a New Jersey warehouse at the present time (9/12/2016).  While it’s fate is unknown, it will always be my historic favorite dance floor of all time. Perhaps no floor on earth has had more honest energy and life embued in it than Roseland’s.  I definitely contributed my share.

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